Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't Break the Rules (And God Help You if You Do)

So there are all kinds of rules by which men must abide. These rules are put in place to make our lives easy, peaceful, and worry-free. Most men are aware of these rules, but they choose to disregard them anyway. The most egregious location in which these rules are broken is...the men's restroom. I was standing at a urinal the other day as another man walked into the restroom and took his place at the urinal next to mine. Broken rule number one buddy! Men should never stand at adjoining urinals. There should always be at least one between you and the person next to you. If there aren't any urinals available with space to spare...hold it. You don't need to pee bad enough to break this rule. As if breaking one rule wasn't bad enough; the man then attempted to engage me in conversation a la, "how's your day today, Tim?" What the hell dude? The restroom is not a place for small talk, the asking of favors, or impromptu dance numbers. The restroom is a place to relieve ones bowels, wash ones hands, and get the hell out. I would absolutely love to hear the story of how you raced down Bourbon Street in a Lamborghini Diablo against Chuck Norris or the time you stink palmed the President, but the restroom is not the place for such amusing anecdotes. If you want to strike up a conversation the moment our feet hit carpet outside the restroom door, I'm cool with that. It can wait buddy. Finally, not only did this individual show abysmal disregard for the previous two rules, but he chose to add insult to injury. While inquiring the goings-on of my day, he chose to turn his head and look at me to ask his question. Holy crap! I've been taking care of my restroom business for the majority of my life. I'm pretty sure I don't need your supervision. These rules have been around for thousands of years so that men can live a perfect lifestyle. I'm pretty sure the reason Brutus killed Caesar was because he talked in the crapper. Something to keep in mind the next time you're in a men's restroom.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Ok, so I've only posted on here once and that means this blog is essentially worthless. I promise to do better in the future. That having been said, adopted sister (Cooking Mama) has been offering to give/giving me tips on cooking. My cooking/baking career is taking off. I will be experimenting over the next couple of weeks/months with different recipes and letting  you know their various states of success/failure. Cooking Mama has also agreed to teach me things in person and not just by correspondence which should be even more interesting. Also, the next couple of months should prove to be rather exciting as: softball season(s) will be starting up, I'm competing in a golf tournament, and Peanut will be moving up here and job searching. I'll try to post pictures of all the above mentioned events as they happen. So here's to a (hopefully) more active blog in the future.